Arnica Montana is a high-altitude perennial plant native to the mountain slopes of Europe, northern Asia, Siberia and America, belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is a plant widely used to treat various ailments, such as bruises, wounds and inflammation. Dried flowers are mainly used, from which it is possible to obtain various extracts, however leaves collected before flowering and then dried can also be used. The flowers of the plant show greater therapeutic value and are used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic in feverish states. (1)

In 1992, Passreiter et al. stated that Arnica flower consists of various components such as flavonoids, sesquiterpenes, acetylenes, hydroxycoumarins, phenylacrylic acids and essential oil. The total amount of sesquiterpene lactones varies with the maturity of the dried flowers, the amount increases from 0.5% in buds to 0.9% in wilted flowers. Sesquiterpene lactones are reported as good anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic agents. (1)

It is therefore not surprising to find numerous cosmetic products based on Arnica on the market and very often in association with other plant extracts, having similar properties, such as devil’s claw.
Macrofarm has various Arnica extracts, obtained with various extraction mixtures.
  1. Priyanka Kriplani, Kumar Guarve, Uttam S Baghael, Arnica montana L . – una pianta curativa: recensione, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, volume 69, numero 8, agosto 2017, pagine 925–945,

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